Here is the MYCAA Academic Plan Document: 
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Current News:

October 25, 2010: The MyCAA program is open to all eligible spouses under the new program guidelines below:

  • Spouse of an active duty Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine service member in pay grades   E1-E5, W1-W2, or O1-O2.
  • Spouse of an activated Reserve member in pay grades E1-E5, W1-W2, and O1-O2.
  • If the spouse of National Guard and/or AGR member, the sponsor must be on federal Title 10 active duty orders as reported in DEERS.
  • Spouses of Guard/Reserve members in an Alert, Transition Assistance, or Post Deployment status are not eligible.
  • MyCAA accounts will be limited to the new $4,000 maximum benefit with a $2000 fiscal year cap. Waivers to the fiscal year cap will be available for spouses pursuing licensure or credentials with a cost that exceeds the $2,000 fiscal year cap up to the total maximum assistance of $4,000.
  • Spouses must finish their program of study within three years from the start date of the first course.
  • Funding is limited to only Associate's degrees, credentials and licensure programs.

Please allow for 14 days for approval of all financial assistance documents.

All spouses (even if you no longer qualify for the MyCAA program) that have had a MyCAA account can still access all your course information by logging-in into the MyCAA website.  If information is needed on other sources of financial assistance please contact a Military OneSource consultant at 800-342-9647.